Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Craigslist Posting

I have posted an ad in Craigslist for my photography.

I am giving you the opportunity to purchase my photos! Not that you didn't have the opportunity before, but I am now making it blatantly  obvious that you can buy my stuff. If you saw something in an earlier post that you liked, you can ask me about buying a print of that photo as well. Just know that if it's of a recognizable person and you either are not that person or are not related to them, I will say no. Here are some photographs I took for my high school 35mm class that you might enjoy. Or buy. Or both. Whatever makes you happy.

Friday, March 14, 2014

35mm Color Film

I don't use color film nearly enough. It's sad. Usually I go digital or use black and white film, but not this time. This time I used color. I've never done double exposures with color film before, but I tried a few this time. I also took some pictures of performing bands in Seattle. I didn't really enjoy the music (not my style), but they did lend themselves to fun photos. Oh, and the winter sunset photos are nice as well.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Pro Lam

My company offers a photo mounting option called Pro Lam. Basically your photo is mounted on MDF board and laminated against everything that could harm it. They used my photo as an example. It's the photo I took of Wild Goose Island at Glacier National Park. You can see it in the upper right-hand corner of the following photo. My photos are gaining a presence in this world!

Professional Website

I've been unbelievably busy. I got promoted to the digital artist position at my workplace (Yay!) and have had other things to do when I'm not working. That is why I've had a slump in blog posting. The good news is I am sending you a link to my new professional website! It is solarscapesphotography.weebly.com, and if you click on the web address it will take you straight to that page. All of the photos are available for purchase, and you can e-mail me at solarscapesphotography@gmail.com if you have any inquiries. Thank you for your patience with me and my non-posting! I have weekends off now, so hopefully I'll be able to go out and take awesome photos for you to enjoy.