Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Spokane Farewell

Don't worry, it's not permanent. These are simply the last photos of Spokane before we leave for our Mount Shasta, California vacation. Which I am really excited about. I won't be posting anything until probably Sunday (since we will be camping and there's no least if you're doing it right), but I know you will not be disappointed. There's a beautiful lake near our campsite, so I will be bringing my waterproof camera. The mountain background is probably spectacular as well, and I have fun equipment with which to take awesome nighttime photos. Basically I'm hoping the results will be epic. Also, we're gonna have tons of fun! Yay!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Word of the Day: Inselberg

Inselberg sounds like a Scandinavian variation of iceberg. In actuality it means "an isolated mountain." You may think of Mount McKinley, Mount Doom, The Lonely Mountain...any mountain that is off by itself. Sorry, I'm still on a Tolkien kick. Today's mountain is brought to you by the Cascades. Sorta. You can see them way off in the distance from parts of Spokane, and that is how this picture was achieved. I don't know if it was really all that isolated, but the picture says it is, so I say it is. Behold, your inselberg. And all the teeny tiny windmills on top of it. My zoom lens is awesome.


The family upstairs (aka my sister-in-law, her husband, and their 10-month-old baby) has left us all alone. Not to worry; we will see them at the family reunion this week. Oh yeah! Guys, I'm going to my first official family reunion ever. Unofficial ones include weddings and a trip we took to Hawaii. Actually, I'm not sure if the Hawaii one was official or not. It may have been...I was ten and didn't pay attention. Anyway, I miss my family upstairs. It's really quiet here without them when my husband is at work. I decided to dedicate this post to them. These are all pictures of my nephew Ronen. You will agree (you will agree) that he is the cutest darn kid ever. Some of these are repeats, but I couldn't care less. Neither could you.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Drinks are fun to photograph. You can be super creative with them. There are so many different vessels in which to pour them, and the drinks themselves can be all different colors. Don't worry, they were all taken many weeks separate from each other. I don't drink alcohol all that often. Anyway, several of them have no alcohol in them whatsoever. My point is, don't judge me. :)