Monday, September 30, 2013

Word of the Day: Cocoon

Today's word is "cocoon." The definition of this word is "to wrap or envelop in or as if in a cocoon." Now I hate those definitions. You know, the ones where they use the word (same form or otherwise) in the definition of the word. If I didn't know that a cocoon was a silky thingy that many insects make when they're in the pupa stage, I would have no clue what the heck that definition was trying to say. Good thing I know what a cocoon is. I haven't seen a cocoon in ages, butterfly or otherwise, so I haven't a picture of an actual cocoon. Instead, I'm sharing a "to if in a cocoon" photograph of my sweet little Sonic. He gets super cuddly after bath time because he HATES the water. After he's dunked he just wants to snuggle in a warm towel, and I have some adorable photos of his post-bath wrap. This one will melt your heart.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Couple Rivalry: Hawks vs. Texans

Tim was born and raised near Seattle. He is a die-hard Seahawks fan. I was born and raised near Houston. I am a die-hard Texans fan. The Texans played the Seahawks today, and even though it was a close game, the Hawks came out on top. Next time they won't fare so well. I made Timmy take some couple football rivalry photos with me, but he (naturally) treated it like a joke. That's wasn't meant to be serious anyway. You'll see what I mean when you take a look at these beauties. I took them all using self-timer and a tripod. Yay for self-sufficiency!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Yet Another Book Preview

I am super close to concluding my novel. I am so close that I can taste it! Not really, that's hyperbole. And that rhymes. Dang I'm awesome. I have finished editing my novel. The husband and I printed it out so he could read it and I could find corrections on something other than a computer screen, so hopefully we'll head out to the self-publisher's soon. By "head out" I mean send it in to a site on the internet. Before that I'll get a copyright, don't worry. But before before that, I would like YOU to see the complete cover art, front and back. Let me know what you think, and let me know if you would like to purchase my novel upon its completion! Of course my family members want to read it...y'all love me. I mean people who stumble across this blog, though hopefully no toes have been stubbed. Read my story! I'll let you know when it's published. :)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wenatchee Trip Panoramas

So here are all the loverly panoramas for you to see. Now I'm doing something new and different today, but the sad thing is y'all won't be able to tell the difference. That is because I am posting from my iPhone. Really iTouch because the phone portion doesn't work, but whatever. Nuance. So while I feel super cool posting this, you won't care at all. And that is okay. I'm just letting you know so I can feel special and technologically advanced. So ha.

Monday, September 23, 2013


You're not allowed to get mad at me this time. I've been sick and haven't felt well enough to even think about posting. The doctor diagnosed me with "insult to the injury." I'm serious. My retainer broke causing my wisdom teeth to shift, and those made all my teeth shift, and my mouth got really sore and my gums puffed up. That was all the injury. The insult was getting an infection so that I had a sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and almost flu-like symptoms. I actually still have all that, but the medicine makes it not as bad. In relation to my photography posting I am going to share with you pictures utilizing symmetry. Three of these photos are 100% symmetrical across the vertical ("y") axis because I flipped them in Photoshop. The others simply have symmetrical qualities, so they are being used as well. I bet you can't guess which ones are flipped! Just kidding. It's really obvious.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Grand Coulee Dam

Tim and I stopped by the Grand Coulee Dam on our way home. It is huge. I've been to the Hoover Dam twice...that thing is tall...but this dam used more concrete and it's really wide. Plus it uses a different means of holding back the water-instead of using brute force due to leaning weight it channels it all into a triangle. I am saying all of this to sound smart, so if I'm wrong, don't correct me. No one else has to know but you. I'm also including some pictures from the non-Coulee part of our drive home because I'm spontaneous. Bam. I know, I know...there aren't any great pictures of the dam...BUT I will add some panorama stuff tomorrow or something, so you will see its full beauty. Calm down.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Downtown Wenatchee

Tim and I explored a little bit of Wenatchee after walking through the Ohme Gardens. Now Wenatchee...I'm gonna call it Wenee because it's faster to type...Wenee is tiny. There are approximately 32,000 residents. Compare that to the 7,500,000 I'm used to, the 100,000 I spent 4 college years around, and the 200,000 I currently live near, that's teeny tiny. There are some fun historical areas and some fun nice areas and some fun dumpy areas, but we stayed out of the latter for the most part.