Friday, August 21, 2015

Washington Wildfires

If you've been paying attention to the news, you know that the west coast is on fire. Literally. Don't worry, I'm not personally affected by them. I did, however, drive past one of the big ones - the one taking over Chelan - when I went camping with my husband and some friends this weekend. It was crazy. I didn't see the flames, which is good (it means you're too close), but we saw plenty of smoke. Here are the pictures to prove it. Hint: Those aren't clouds and that's not fog. The sky was bright blue and clear that day.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Nephew's Birthday Party

We just celebrated my nephew's third birthday. His momma rented a bouncy house for the party, and it was AWESOME! Here are some pictures of the fun times we had.

Monday, August 3, 2015

The Battle for Liberty: New Drawing

You've seen my most recent set of photos. Now here is the most recent addition to my new book! I drew and edited it last night. 27 down, 8 to go!

Emerald Downs

On Saturday I attended my first horse race ever. It was fantastic! The races were fun to watch, and it was fun betting on horses. Granted neither my husband nor I knew anything stat-wise, but we had a blast.