Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hijacked Quotes

Today is a fun one. My middle sister inspired me to do this post. My mom was given a decoration with a quote on it as a gift from a friend that says "Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they're always there." One day when little sister was bored, she took a bright green sticky note and wrote one word on it that changed the entire quote. It went from being inspirational to being hilarious. That word is "stalkers." Good friends are like stalkers. Haha. Get it? Just me? Okay. Well, I did that with a few more quotes. They aren't as funny as her original hijacking or hack or whatever you want to call it, but they still make me giggle. Maybe you can appreciate them too. If you have any suggestions for more silly quotes, let me know! If I get enough I will make "posters" and include them in another day's work.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Literal Idioms 2

Remember way back when I posted those pictures of literal idioms? Here is the second installment. I am on a quest to help people remember the real definition of "literal." You know what's wrong with the world? Well, part of what's wrong, 'cause there are a lot of things that are wrong with it. When people start doing something against all logic like using the word "literal" in place of "figurative," suddenly The Man feels the need to accept their behavior. My dad sent me an article that said one dictionary added an extra use for the word "literal." Apparently they say it's okay to use the word "literal" or "literally" or any other form of the word if it's meant for exaggeration. They say it's okay to say "we literally died laughing" because it's an exaggeration. You know what I say? That's not only stupid, but it's overkill. "We died laughing" is already an exaggeration made obvious by the fact that the person saying the statement is still alive. It is not okay to change the usage of "literally" to fit in with the ignorance of the general public. You know who else altered his views to appease the general public? Pontius Pilate did. He killed Jesus. Do you want to kill Jesus, too? No? Then for the love of humanity, stop using the word "literally" in the wrong context.

A Fork in the Road
 A Stitch in Your Side

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Smithsonian Contest

I have a wee little favor to ask of you. Pretty please will you oblige me? I am entering photos in the yearly Smithsonian photography contest this year. There are five categories, and seven photos are allowed per category. The problem is, since I have taken so many photos since January 1, 2011 (the earliest date allowed for the taking of this year's photos), I need help choosing which seven in each category to enter. If you go to my Facebook page Sara Beth: Shutter Bug, you will find five albums-one for each of the different categories. Please like seven (and no more than seven please!) photos in each of the five albums. Please please please! I believe you can do this even if you do not have a Facebook account yourself. I might be wrong, so don't quote me on that. Here is a link to that page. I really appreciate it! Treat yourself to a cookie for being so helpful. It's on me. Sort of.

These are freaking adorable pictures of little me to help convince you to help me. You can't say no to this cute little girl!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Facial Expressions

If you take enough pictures of people, you're bound to have a few photos of great facial expressions. I wish I could sit on the sidelines of all sporting events just so I can get a few great photos of the athletes' faces. They're always amusing-full of concentration and motion. I have a few photos of ultimate frisbee faces, but so far that's the only sport with which I've gotten up close and personal. That's why I threw in a few more gems for you to enjoy.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Liberty Lake Jetskiing

We went to Liberty Lake, and it's cute. It only takes like 5 minutes to ride around the whole thing, and there are pretty hills all around. There are some nice houses as well. I didn't take very many pictures because it's little and we didn't stay for too terribly long, but that's okay. I'm a sharer, so I'll share them with you. Tomorrow and the next day I work for 10 hours, but after that I will finally get around to sharing a few more panoramas I've been hiding.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Spokane Day Out

Today Timmy and I took a trip around Spokane. We went through Manito Park and actually took pictures of pretty flowers! Yay! Well, I actually took pictures of pretty flowers. Timmy fell asleep as you will see. I for once actually had flowers to take pictures of. The other two times they weren't in bloom. Now they were. Woohoo! I also took pictures of a beautiful Gothic church and a view of Spokane from the south hill. I would not object to living there one day should we remain in Spokane.