Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hedgehog Adventures

I've posted a couple of pictures of my little Sonic, but I think it's about time for a full-blown post about him. When we first got Sonic, I noticed one of his eyes was a sort of milky blue. Now that we've been playing with him for a few days, I'm pretty sure he's blind in that eye. His bright blue eye helps him fit right in our family-both my husband and I have blue eyes. Sonic finally got used to drinking from the water bottle...he no longer bites the long, metal straw. My parents-in-law have a dog named Eddy whom we have been pet sitting, and he follows Sonic everywhere. Good thing, too, 'cause that goober is speedy. He decided to explore a hole under our kitchen cabinets, and we had to pry open the baseboard to get him out. He loves to snuggle (yes, even spiny hedgehogs are cuddly), and he burrows into anything he can find. Since he can't see well he's relying greatly on his sense of smell. Though we were scary stinky strangers at first, Sonic is now learning Tim's and my scents. We've had him for 3 days now and are looking forward to having him around for years to come.

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