Friday, December 21, 2012

Time Lapse/Stop Motion

Have you ever thought of movies as photographs? Many artists have. That's why we have entire schools dedicated to filmography. It's an art form. I got to pursue this thought for a while when I was assigned a project having to do with time lapse or stop motion. I chose stop motion. We were to create a video of sorts by compiling a great many pictures. You don't wanna know how many. It also took a long time to get the timing right...we were told to create a movie no longer than a minute and a half or something like that. It's been a while since that assignment. I was in a wheelchair at the time due to a car accident, so I took a video from a handicapped view. I also took a video of what if it was vegetables? I was hungry. Our tripod contraption was interesting too...we used my crutches and a slab of wood to hold the camera. It was well worth it after we saw the finished product.

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