Merriam-Webster defines "xenophobia" as "fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign." This word holds a special place in my heart. Based on the definition, that probably sounds really strange. I assure you it is not from personal experience with the phobia. My relation to the word must be explained by going back to my senior year of high school. Most senior English classes were given a project known as the "ABC book." This book was required to have a word describing the student starting with each letter of the alphabet. They would generally be nice things like "Artistic" or "Youthful" or "Sporty." My sisters and I got the oh so intelligent idea to create a "ZYX book" of words that were not as nice like "Cannibal" or "Rabid" or, yes, "Xenophobic." This post is for the illustration of this word and to make you giggle. I took no new photos, and the one of me I did not take at all. However, I put the page together, and I think it looks pretty darn spiffy. Now I know it's the adjective and not the noun, but I know you will forgive me. You're a nice person.
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