My shoes. Ha. All my shoes? 'Cause I'm a bit of a stereotypical girl when it comes to shoes. Now I do have a decent collection of heels, but the shoes I wear more often are flatter and more comfortable. I've been wearing my water resistant winter boots lately because of, well, the snow. However, in warmer weather, I'll go for my Toms more often than not. They're so comfortable! I also run a lot when the weather is nice to me, so I have to have a couple pairs of sneakers. These ones are my favorites. They're new, colorful, comfortable, my favorite brand (new balance), AND they were on sale. What's better than a great pair of shoes on sale? Okay, a lot of things, but still. I get so many comments on these shoes. People seem to love the chartreuse (I know, they look more yellow in the picture) and fuchsia mix like I do. It's unexpected and fun.
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