Sunday, May 12, 2013

Jet Skiing on Couer d'Alene Lake

Good news! My waterproof camera is actually waterproof. I had the pleasure of dunking it in a cold lake and taking a good many pictures, and the camera still functions fine. Yay! My husband and I, as I told you yesterday, went jet skiing in Idaho. It was super fun despite the cold lake temperature. That is something I will have to get used to. Up here, lakes are mountain-fed. In Texas, they're all just warm. Warm and squishy and brown. At least they're clean and clear up here. Taking pictures is really difficult on a jet ski, especially when the water is choppy like today. You should try it sometime. I had to adjust quite a few with Photoshop  and I am happy with some of the end results.


  1. warm and squishy and brown was a good description! haha and isn't 26 speeding? hehe :P

    1. I have no idea...and that wasn't even the fastest we went. Oops. :P
