Friday, May 31, 2013

Iller Creek Conservatory/Rocks of Sharon Hike

My husband and I are always finding new places to explore. This morning we went on a hike in Spokane Valley through the conservatory to a location known as the Rocks of Sharon. There are huge rocks jutting out from the hilltop, and the view from the top is beautiful. You can see all the way to the Cascades, even on a day like today where the horizon was a bit hazy. I'm not sure you'll see it in my pictures, though; it was early (for me) and I left my fully packed and prepared DSLR on the kitchen table. These are all iPhone photos. Next time I will have a better camera to go with the telephoto zoom lens I actually did bring in my camelback. Also, we did see wildlife on our hike. Tim scared a moose that was hiding 15 yards away, we tried (and failed) to get a picture of a porcupine, and two deer stood on the side of the road as we exited the park. And we still aren't sure how the two cars got up there. There was no possible way for them to be driven to their respective gravesites, may they Rust In Pieces. I think a helicopter may have been involved.

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