Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Photo A Day 10: Up Close

Like I said yesterday I got my wisdom teeth taken out this morning. So far it hasn't been too bad. I got laughing gas-that made my head fuzzy-followed by an iv. They put the iv in. I remember the prick. Then I remember waking up and they put a band-aid on. Strangest feeling ever. I was a little groggy, but it wasn't too bad. So now I am fully functioning, and besides some pain (some thanks to painkillers) I'm not too bad. Tomorrow may be another always gets worse on the second day. That's how it is for me at least. Now that you know all about my 4 wisdom teeth story I will share what I came here to share. That is a photo taken up close to something. I still do not have a macro lens. You will know when I do...I'll probably have like ten consecutive posts with macro pictures when I get one. Therefore, if I want a close-up photo I have to rely on cropping. Here is one for you. It's not too hard to guess what it is...I think everyone has used a measuring tape at least once in their lives. I use them a lot as a designer working in a furniture store. So here's a cool up close photo of that.

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