Thursday, October 3, 2013

Praying Mantis

I got home from work today, and Tim said "Hey grab your camera! I got you a pet!" My first thought? Umm...we have a hedgehog...and we can't get a dog...what the heck kind of pet did you get me? Turns out he found a praying mantis while he was mowing the lawn. We didn't know they lived up here in the northeast. Sure, I've seen a lot (BIG ones too) in Texas, but Washington? Anyway, I took lots of pictures. Our nephew got to see a mantis for the first time and he was so intrigued! He also kept trying to grab it...we're slowly teaching him the word "no." The funniest part about our pet (which we released after I finished the photo shoot) is that I just recently saw the Buffy the Vampire Slayer (tv show) episode where the teacher was actually a giant praying mantis. Yay coincidences! I would have loved to have a macro lens for this, but that's okay. It was hard to get an in-focus photo of the little bugger (pun intended) anyway because he kept moving.

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